Friday, November 21, 2008

I fail at blogging. Anyway...

You know, I think I'll only post when my life has anything interesting involved in it. Otherwise, it's quite moot.

Life kicks you in the butt sometimes. As someone, I forget who, puts it, "Life sucks, and then you die." But kicks in the butt usually help to adjust your perspective on things. I got a huge kick in the butt this week, and I was about to overreact, as I'm prone to. Luckily, I have people who keep my feet planted on the ground at all times.

Honestly, though, how far can a single person be pushed? It's like testing how far you can walk into the ocean while keeping your mouth and nose above water. Similarly, when a wave comes in, you get swept up unexpectedly and end up underwater anyway. Then the tide goes as it should, and you end up just waist high. That's a somewhat accurate description, you could say; I like to call it "barely drowning". Then the big kahuna comes along, and it's game over.

I have the funniest visions while sifting through my mind sometimes. For instance, just now, I imagined myself scooting along the ground with my forehead to the carpet. That's actually common for me to see, no matter how odd. No, I'm not hallucinating. It's sort of like... a single-frame interruption in the film that is my life. If you've ever seen Fight Club, it's like those really short instances where you see Tyler pop up on the screen. But less creepy.

I don't know if I've written this before, but I'm really good at non-sequiturs. Er, bad. Er... screw it, you know what I mean. I kill conversations like bad pie on a Sunday morning. That could be because I just sort of say the first thing that pops into my head. I mean, the first thing that pops into my head usually involves cheese, the number eight, or shoes... What any of these have to do with anything, I don't know.

Hm, for a bit of serious, I have to say that I don't like how frivolous people are being these days. Everyone's going out to eat every other day; it's a nightmare! It makes my home-cooked meals taste bland and green. (Green's not even a taste.) I mean, I've spent my fair share of money recently (I'm going to have to ask my mom for 600$ this week... maybe more.), but I feel BAD about it. Worse than bad, I feel terrible! But everyone's going out to concerts, eating at ridiculously expensive restaurants... I'm not targeting anyone in particular, because a whole bunch of people are in on it! And none of them show remorse for their twenty-dollar meals. I could puke just thinking about it.

I always manage to make Christmas weird. Hopefully not this year. My gifts... whatever I attempt, are going to be more about self-expression rather than last-minute budget breakers as I normally pull off. I wince at the thought of how I've failed miserably these past Christmases. I've been getting better at it, though, so hopefully... Ugh, more wincing while I remember.


the potato pusher said...

hahah parts of this entry made me laugh out loud. foreeaaaaalz. And yes I agree with you on the whole 20-dollar-meal thing...YAY FOR BEING BROKE! hahaha ><


Amy Chen said...

you have the funniest humor alive hahahahah

definitely is interesting here thousands of miles away

but i totally agree. some of us just can't spend that kind of money on food. but hey, those that can are kinda keeping the economy going. we need them! hahahahaha